Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Hi, this is my solution to this challenge.
Good challenge to practice the basics of css and html.
I have one question though, is it possible to make this cursor black when hovered over like in the design preview? I know it can be done with svg, but I'm wondering if it's possible in some simple way.
If you have any ideas what I can improve in the code or notice any errors, please let me know.
Feedback is welcome
Community feedback
- @RazaAbbas62Posted 12 months ago
There are two ways to achieve that behavior
/* Regular cursor color */ body { cursor: default; } /* Change cursor color on hover */ body:hover { cursor: url('path/to/black-cursor.png'), auto; }
Or if u don't have that black cursor image you can do like
/* Change cursor color on hover to solid black */ body:hover { cursor: url(''), auto; }
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