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Sign-up form using CSS Grid, Flexbox, HTML5 and JS.

Ariane Brumβ€’ 30


Desktop design screenshot for the Intro component with sign-up form coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Please provide feedback, so i can do better in the future, thank you.

Community feedback

Abdur Rahamanβ€’ 350



Hi, Ariane πŸ‘‹. Amazing work. Once you submit the form with the input fields empty, it shows an error as expected πŸ‘. Then when you enter text into the input field and focus out from it, the error message still shows. And it doesn't go away until you hit the submit button again. It's okay, not a big deal, but it's not good for the UX.

You can improve that by adding a blur event to the input element that will check: if the input value is available then remove the error message.

Marked as helpful


Ariane Brumβ€’ 30



@arbaiv Thank you for your feedback :). I made some adjustments.


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