Rock, Paper, Scissors with react and styled-components
Design comparison
Community feedback
- @markup-mitchellPosted over 4 years ago
Thanks Matt!
I didn't feel like I had a very robust structure to the underlying logic. I sort of put it together as I went along without any real pattern. And solving the styling problems in tandem with the flow exhausted me and I ran out of steam to do the final polish.
Next time I'll do it without UI first and then style it afterwards.
0@mattstuddertPosted over 4 years ago@markup-mitchell yeah, separating out the workflow like that is a great approach. I typically complete the HTML first before moving on to anything else. For this type of project, I'd go:
- Complete HTML structure
- Basic CSS to hide/show stuff
- JS to get the logic of the game
- Once it's all working, I'd then dive into the CSS to make it look good
Taking this approach lets you get into a flow with each phase and can boost productivity. At least, that's what I find! 🙂
1 - @mattstuddertPosted over 4 years ago
Hey Mark, what is it that you're not happy about with your solution? I think you've done a good job!
Coming back to projects in the future is always a great way to see how far you've come as a developer. Refactoring old projects to improve the code is also a great thing to practice. Keep up the great work!
0 - @markup-mitchellPosted over 4 years ago
I'm not tremendously happy with this - there are lots of little niggles that should be worked out, but there's a real law of diminishing returns involved.
I might try again with a different stack at some point, and do some better thinking up front about how the app logic should be structured.
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