Submitted about 1 year ago
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Is Tailwind CSS better than vanilla CSS good?
Community feedback
- @Arman001Posted about 1 year ago
As @abhishek-baliyan-dev said, tailwind work for you better only if you knew vanilla css. Because until someone don;t what is padding, margin, flexbox, grid etc. It will not work. But which is the better one? If you have some practice with CSS, you can get used to tailwind easily. It will make things a lot faster without any doubt.
Regards# Saad
0@RickyngechuPosted about 1 year ago@Arman001 You have put it well,first get farmiliar with vanilar css then farmiliarise yourself with the css framework of your choice beacuse there are a tone of them.
0 - @abhishek-baliyan-devPosted about 1 year ago
- Tailwind CSS is like a framework on top of CSS.
- You will be good at Tailwind only when you are good at css.
- Tailwind helps you to structure your css.
- It's like ReactJS, ReactJs helps a lot but only helps when you good at JS. Otherwise if you struct at ReactJS without knowing JS then It's game over.
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