REST countries api with theme switcher
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
I'm proud of completing this challenge!
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I struggled with making the filter and search work together, but in the end I figured it out.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Anything that can help me improve.
Community feedback
- @aouintihouariPosted 2 months ago
Congratulations! You did an excellent job. But there is room for improvement. For example, it would be preferable to use the startwith to filter the countries rather than looking for those that contain a particular letter when using the search bar to filter the results. Additionally, since console.logs are typically used for debugging, remember to clean them up before deploying your application. In the border countries, the full name of the country should be displayed, not just its abbreviation, and clicking on it should take you to the country's details. Additionally, adding a SkeletonLoader while the user waits for the data to be fetched from the JSON file enhances the user experience. Although the json file only provides the abbreviations, you can use the alpha2Code or alpha3Code to find the full name. Additionally, try using memoization to avoid needless recalculations of values in React. I realize this is possibly one of the trickiest parts of the challenge.
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