Responsive Time-Tracking Dashboard with Counter-Animations
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
At least i'm proud of the result and that i did not use a animation library like gsap. I like the animations and overall look and feel. Also that i completed this challenge within the given timeframe of 5 hours is great.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The counter animation part was a bit tricky. I first tried to animate the different counters via css-properties. But - maybe the @property API is still "new" - there seems to be no change to manipulate those custom properties via JavaScript. Maybe someone else knows a way to do that.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Maybe JavaScript (structure) and a way to use automated animations via CSS-Custom Properties and JavaScript.
Community feedback
- @lavil014Posted 30 days ago
Hi Martin , I am new to Js , I really liked your solution it looks and works great , congrats.
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