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Responsive stats preview card

Ax-cdβ€’ 310


Desktop design screenshot for the Stats preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi! Is my code easy to read, or do you think some sections could be structured in a better way? Let me know! All feedback is welcome and appreciated!

Community feedback

Adrianβ€’ 190



Hi, I find it easy to read and I understand almost all of it. Except this crazy googleapis import. Is it not cleaner to use @import at the beginning of your style.css file? This way you can import all fonts and weights using 1 line of code. Maybe you should consider this method, Keep up the good work!

Marked as helpful


Ax-cdβ€’ 310



@ohsite Using @import would be a lot cleaner indeed! Thanks for your feedback!

Alexβ€’ 2,010



Hey there, it looks good on big screens, and on small ones, but there are some problems in between. Between approximately 500px and 1100px screen widths you are getting overflow.

This is because you're using a lot of fixed dimensions in your code. Try and avoid those, and let the content dictate how big the containers should be, and make sure to test your designs at a wide range of sizes using the browser responsive developer tools.

You've got a number of unnecessary wrapping div elements too. For instance your main paragraph is wrapped with <div class="main-paragraph">. Instead you could remove that wrapper and style the paragraph directly with its own class.

Marked as helpful


Ax-cdβ€’ 310



@AlexKMarshall Thank you for your feedback! I used pixels because this is what I was familiar with, but for projects to come I will look more toward relative units. And regarding the div it might be because I focused too much on putting elements in boxes and forgot I could use directly a class on them. Thanks again!


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