Responsive single price grid component [Flexbox, Grid]
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Any tips would be nice :)
Community feedback
- @MiculinoPosted almost 3 years ago
Hey @felipe-miranda-marreiros
Great job on completing this challenge! Looks really similar to the original design, just a bit bigger.
Your CSS code is really clean. I think you're more than ready to implement these modern CSS concepts
Check them out in this video
Keep up the great work!
Marked as helpful1@felipe-miranda-marreirosPosted almost 3 years ago@Remus432 thanks for the video recommendation. I'll definitely watch and apply it in my future challenges.
0 - @darryncodesPosted almost 3 years ago
Hi Felipe,
Really great solution, very responsive - well done!
Minor feedback but could look nice if you centred your design in the viewport responsively by adding:
display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-content: center; min-height: 100vh;
Marked as helpful1@felipe-miranda-marreirosPosted almost 3 years ago@darryncodes Thanks. My bad.
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