Submitted 20 days ago
Responsive Recipe Page with Mobile First Workflow
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I'm happy with how the media queries turned out because I approached the challenge by styling the mobile version and making media queries to add on top of mobile.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I big challenge I encountered was trying to align the markers of list items to the left and the padding and margin with the ul, ol, and li tags in css.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I'd specifically like help with the ::marker selectors and styling of the bullet points next to list items:
.instructions ol {
padding-left: var(--space-300);
.instructions li {
padding-left: var(--space-200)
.instructions li::marker {
font: var(--text-preset-5);
color: var(--brown-800);
Additionally, the text wrap of the nutrition description p tag on mobile could look better if anyone has tips on text-wrapping properties.
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