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responsive profile card using html and css


Desktop design screenshot for the Social links profile coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback



Thank you so much for the feedback! I really appreciate your suggestions and have already started implementing them. I switched to using <ul> and <li> elements for the buttons, wrapping the text in <a> tags to enhance accessibility. It feels great to know that it will improve keyboard navigation and screen reader support!

I also integrated font-display: swap in my @font-face rule, which has really improved the user experience by avoiding that awkward blank screen while waiting for the font to load.

Additionally, I’ve begun using rem units in my media queries instead of px. I see how this makes my design much more responsive and adaptable to different devices and user preferences. I’ll definitely check out the resources you mentioned for further learning!

Thanks again for your guidance! I’m excited to keep improving and tackling new challenges. 💻

Steven Stroud 11,810



Exceptional work! You’re showing great skill here. I’ve got a couple of minor suggestions that could make this stand out even more…

  • I would put these into a <ul> <li>, and the text should be wrapped with a <a> so it is accessible with a keyboard using the tab key, Using an <a> tag for navigation is semantically correct, improves accessibility for screen readers, and ensures consistent behavior across browsers, unlike a <button> or a <div> not intended for links.
    <div class="card__buttons">
      <button>Frontend Mentor</button>
  • Using font-display: swap in your @font-face rule improves performance by showing fallback text until the custom font loads, preventing a blank screen (flash of invisible text). The downside is a brief flash when the font switches, but it’s usually better than waiting for text to appear.

  • Using rem or em units in @media queries is better than px because they are relative units that adapt to user settings, like their preferred font size. This makes your design more responsive and accessible, ensuring it looks good on different devices and respects user preferences.

  • While px is useful for precise, fixed sizing, such as border-width, border-radius, inline-padding, and <img> sizes, it has limitations. Pixels don't scale well with user settings or adapt to different devices, which can negatively impact accessibility and responsiveness. For example, using px for font sizes can make text harder to read on some screens, Check this article why font-size must NEVER be in pixels. In contrast, relative units like rem and adjust based on the user’s preferences and device settings, making your design more flexible and accessible. Use px where exact sizing is needed, but prefer relative units for scalable layouts. If you want a deeper explanation watch this video by Kevin Powell CSS em and rem explained. Another great resource I found useful is this px to rem converter based on the default font-size of 16 pixel.

I hope you’re finding this guidance useful! Keep refining your skills and tackling new challenges with confidence. You’re making great progress—stay motivated and keep coding with enthusiasm! 💻


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