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Responsive Preview Card using media query

Delteuz 100


Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

romila 3,570



Hi Delteuz,

Congratulations 🎉 for completing this challenge, it was a great attempt. The card looks great and is responsive.

  1. It is good that you have used the flex property however I noticed you have used the margin property to lower the card. This is because, you have set your height to 120vh, instead change this to 100vh and it will align in the center. Also, it is good practice to use the overflow-x property and set it to hidden.
  2. For your button, you can give it a :hover property and set it to a darker shade of green which is provided in the style guide.
  3. It is good you used the main tag for your container however you should also use the footer tag for your footer e.g. <footer class="attribution"></footer>

Overall, great attempt and wish you the best for your future projects so keep coding 👍.


Delteuz 100



@romila2003 Thanks for leaving a feedback, I appreciate it :D Sure, let me do again this challenge by following your suggestion. Stay tune to see the revised version.

romila 3,570




I just took at your revised version, and it looks great.


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