Design comparison
Solution retrospective
This is one of the funnest challenges I've done so far on Frontend Mentor. I gave myself a weekend to complete this and I succeeded meeting this time constraint. Some of the aspects that gave me the most trouble was the size of the logic involved when alternating between different grid sizes, players and themes. Also figuring out the winners for the end screen and ordering them took a lot more problem solving than I thought it would.
Overall this functions exactly how I want to and I even took it a step further to add a flip animation to each of the tiles when chosen.
Some things I need to consider for debugging are:
- If the user spams a single button then they will rack up points and in turn finish the game. I'm thinking I'll just add a class that blocks a button being chosen.
- There are some styling features I need to change for responsiveness; mainly font-size
In the future, and as much as I love vanilla JS, I really want to learn some JS frameworks to make this process a bit more efficient so open to any suggestions on where I should start
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