Responsive component with API and data fetching
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Just updated this challenge with error handling and also accessibility functions. I also added a loading screen animation with a slight delay added. Quite like the end result, hope the tabbing works on other screens as well!
Community feedback
- @tiago-jv0Posted over 2 years ago
Hello Elaine, hope you doing well, I am really amazed about your skills in front-end development, you solution is great, one thing that i would recommend is that you add a disabled attribute to your button when your request begins, i noticed that if the user clicks the button N times, it sends N requests, so it would be nice to prevent this behavior, overall, it is a fantastic solution.
Marked as helpful1 - @nonozaPosted over 2 years ago
GREAT JOB!!!.. Can you please create like a video on Youtube and show us how you actually group all the front end projects in one repo and able to publish each one?
Marked as helpful1@elaineleungPosted over 2 years ago@nonoza Thank you!! I've gotten asked about this a few times, so it's definitely something I'm thinking about! Not sure I'll venture into the YouTube world though haha, but yes I'm seriously considering writing a post about it, will share it when the time comes!
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