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Design comparison
Solution retrospective
smooth animations (display-property animation now works!)
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?i first tried to set up the success-message container as part of the form-container. My idea was to make a smooth animation from the bigger form-container to the smaller succes-message container. But i failed and couldn't manage to get a smooth width/height animation, because of the paddings of hidden containers. This cost me a lot of time...
Community feedback
- @hellcsabaPosted about 1 month ago
Hi Martin,
I checked your solution and you did a great job! I really like the smooth animations and responsiveness. I saw that you also used semantic HTML, BEM notation and SCSS.
The only thing I don't understand that in your solution tags you gave #react but it didn't seem like you used it.
Happy coding!
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