responsive age calculator app using vainila javascript
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how this solution can be improved. any feedbacks are welcomed.
Community feedback
- @mahmoudAcmPosted over 1 year ago
@aemrobe you have done an amazing job, You can change the animation I think you can do something better than the current animation yk.
1@aemrobePosted over 1 year ago@mahmoudAcm thanks for you feedback. can yo give me some ideas on the animation which I can add .
0 - @Sm1lPosted over 1 year ago
The function is not working correctly
0@aemrobePosted over 1 year ago@Sm1l Which one , I think it is working correctly
0@aemrobePosted over 1 year ago@Sm1l Which one , I think it is working correctly
0@aemrobePosted over 1 year ago@Sm1l Which one , I think it is working correctly
0@Sm1lPosted over 1 year ago@aemrobe The main function of counting years. If, for example, you type in today's day and month, (29.08) of any previous year, for example 1990. Then the result will be 33 years and 9 days. I suspect that this is due to the high-altitude years. But logically, the result should be exactly 33 years old.
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