React solution for Launch countdown timer
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Hi there!
This is my solution with React, but I was unable to flip the card from the center when a number changes.
Can you help me understand how to do it or do you have any advice for me?
You're very welcome!
Happy coding ;)
Community feedback
- @Yemisrach15Posted almost 3 years ago
Hey Deniel,
you can search for flip card animations on codepen. I've found plenty but used a pen by Matt Thurman. You can check out this collection too
Hope this helps
Marked as helpful1@denieldenPosted almost 3 years ago@Yemisrach15 Hi Yemisrach thank you! Really beautiful :)
I know how animations are created but what I can't understand is how to associate the animation with the card when the number changes.
0@Yemisrach15Posted almost 3 years ago@denielden That...I couldn't understand too. The pens are moderately simple to copy into your own project though.
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