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QR code website

yungfora 20


Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I'm not quite sure about RWD in this project and if it is correct, let me know how do you see it guys. :)

Community feedback

shalash23 280



Nice job there.

I've read the media-queries on your CSS and I've found that you've used max-width parameter with it. Which makes me take a wild guess that you went with desktop-first?

If so, what really helped me is writing the HTML using the desktop design first so I can write according to the maximum complexity. Yet when I start styling, I go mobile first. This technique really made RWD to me much tolerable than before and now I actually kind of enjoy it.

Also using em, rem, etc... instead of hard-coded values makes your life much easier on the long-run. So take the time to get a grasp on those units.

Good luck and nice job

Marked as helpful


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