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Qr code page using Flexbox

Shadee404 110


Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback



Hi @Shadee404 👋, good job completing this challenge, and welcome to the Frontend Mentor Community! 🎉

I have some suggestions you might consider to improve your code:

  • Figure elements (<figure>) should only be used when captions are required with <figcaption>, you can directly use the image tag or <div> in this solution.
  • For specificity reasons you should work better with classes since they are reusable, and you can leave the ID when you work with Javascript.
  • The alternative text must not contain hyphens, underscores, or the words "image" or "photo", it must be human readable.
  • To make alternative texts more worthwhile, add descriptive text to the alt attribute of the QR image to explain what the QR image does. Upon scanning the QR code, you will be redirected to the website, so an example of alternative text would be "QR code to". You can read more about alternative text here.
  • Instead of using pixels in font size, use relative units of measure like rem or em. The font size in absolute length units (px) does not allow users with limited vision to change the text size in some browsers. Reference.
  • You could use a CSS Reset to remove browser built-in styles and reduce browser inconsistencies.

Popular reset style sheets:

Above all, the project is done well👏. I hope those tips will help you! 👍

Good job, and happy coding! 😁

Marked as helpful


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