Design comparison
Solution retrospective
This project helped me brush up my skills and helped me practice my HTML and CSS skills. I am proud of myself, my learning. I would also try to make this project in React.js and next time I would like to complete the project in less time.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Working with units was challenging, to overcome this I will revise and practice more with CSS.
Community feedback
- @mo7amed5hairyPosted 5 days ago
After code examination i can say that html is good but it can have enhancements for example you could put img inside div to use flex to center it also i noticed that you didnt use flex which make it easier to control element display and also there is no enough padding and margin between elements -the layout not look good enough as i said that elements need some padding and margin space -code well structured but it lake some comments and referals for guidance -solution have some similar parts but not totally identical so , yeah definitelly it differs from orginal and need enhancements
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