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QR Code Component using HTML and CSS

Uthman 20


Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

This is my second practice since the last one on improving my html and css.

  • I still unsure about sizing unit that can be used.
  • Still don't know if using multiple headings are okay instead of one heading for long sentences.

Community feedback



you should try VS code bro.. please dont attached codepen screenshot


Uthman 20



@FahimEcho sorry, wrong url




@omenarism dont be sorry.. its okay.. keep touch and please fix the url .. thank you

Remtaine 360



Looks good! One comment I'd give though is that you don't really need to have a separate tag for each line of text. It will be okay for this project since you're trying to make it look exactly like the screenshot, but it's a hassle that you don't really need. Just make the text wrap to fit the box size. Overall though, nice job!

Ax-cd 310



Hi! For sizing units: prefer relative units (such as rem, em, and %) to ensure elements are responsive (like fonts or layouts), and absolute units (like px) for elements that remain fixed (like border-radius for exemple). Regarding headings: even if your title is on two lines, you should use only one h1 (or h2, etc.) and then style it with css so it is on two lines. Same goes for p tags. Your solution renders well and is similar to the given design, but you have to work on your html structure. Hope this helps!


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