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QR Code Page using HTML and CSS with a touch of beginner excitement!



Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Phew! So, I had a little difficulty making the image size up to the div which i nested it in. Even after setting object-size: cover; there was still some allowance and the image was not curling with the border radius.

After tinkering with the code for some time, I figured to use,


Then I also applied a transform property: transform: scale(....) to make sure the image fits into the page without stretching. 

And oh here....I was eager to try out animation with keyframes, so i threw that in but used media query to ensure it only displays on wide screes, while on mobile view, it only displays the text as a footnote. 

One down, many more to go...and I'm excited already...let's see what tomorrow brings!

Community feedback

Hassia Issah• 50,730



Replace <section role="qrCodeCard"> with the main tag, <h3> with <h1> to fix the accessibility issue.

To center .container on the page, add min-height:100vh; display: flex; align-items: center: justify-content: center; or min-height:100vh; display: grid place-items: center to the body.

There is no need for container:hover in this challenge. there is no need to style #qrr-div. Give the img a max-width of 100%, instead of a width and height values, this will solve your issue. give h1 and p the same padding left and padding right values.

Hope am helpful.

Well done for completing this challenge. HAPPY CODING

Marked as helpful




@Hassiai Thank you so much for the feedback. I'll take note and work on the code.


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