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QR code component



Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

raya 2,870



Hello 👋MSHCHEBETYUK, congratulations on completing this challenge 🎉

I have some suggestions you might find useful.

1 I noticed you nested main inside section. The <main> tag contains the main content (also called the body) of a page. Therefore the only element that can be it's parent parent is the body. You should actually interchange the two such that section is nested inside main

2 The qr code's alt attribute should not be left empty,it should have info stating where the qr leads i.e alt="qr code leading to

I hope this helps 🙃

Your solution looks awesome

Happy coding ✌️




@rayaatta , Thank you for information!


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