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QR card layout using css & html only.



Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I enjoyed solving this challenge, but I'm not sure if I did everything as it should be.

Community feedback



Hi there 👋

Congratulate on finishing your project 🎉. You did a great job 🔨

I give some suggestions that I hope help you take your project design to the next level 📈.

  • First of all, change the font family to the original as in design. You can find which font to use from in starter files
  • There is some white space around the body you can also fix it 🙂
  • Make the heading text bold
  • You can also add some box-shadow to the card

Happy coding ☕


Old 6,220



Hello there! 👋

Congratulations on finishing your challenge! 🎉

I have some feedback on this solution:

  • Always Use Semantic HTML instead of div like <main> <header> , etc for more info.

if my solution has helped you do not forget to mark this as helpful!


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