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Product Preview Card (Responsive)



Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Pickle 160



Very good job on this one!

You can save a lot of lines of code in your CSS by declaring media queries once. It is possible to declare @media (max-width: 635px) { } once an write all your CSS in that declaration.

Even better is to start building mobile first without declaring anything and eventually adjust some CSS with a media query for bigger screen. But it can also be a personal preference. Check out Kevin Powell on YouTube, I think he can explain this topic more in detail.

A tip on details: the crossed out price and button text has Montserrat as Font-Family.

Good luck on the next one!

Marked as helpful





Hello @Augurk66.

You are %100 right about the mobile first approach.I realized my mistake when i am about to finish the project.And thank you for the advice for media queries.I will check in my mind on the next projects.

Thank you for your feedback.It was very helpful.

Have a nice day!

Pickle 160



No problem! @ismailhasir

Keep coding!


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