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Product Preview Card Component with HTML and CSS

Ax-cd• 310


Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi! This is my solution for the challenge. I wanted to pratice styling with a design system in CSS so feedback on how I wrote the code is welcome :) Also: the border radius of the top right corner seems to turn into a right angle corner at 453px (viewport), which is too soon - so if you have an idea on how I could fix it, suggestions are welcome. Thank you!

Community feedback

Pradeep Saini• 990



Hi, @Ax-cd. How are you?

You've done an awesome job implementing the design.

  1. You can fix the image border angle turning into a right angle by removing the radius property from image and setting the overflow: hidden, property on the ".card" element. When you set overflow:hidden, the image overflowing from the corners of the card is hidden and the curved angle of the card is shown.

  2. In the CSS reset, you've already written "margin: 0;". You don't need it in this style declaration after that. body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, figure, picture { margin: 0; }

  3. For the prices section, you've used <span>. You use <span> for the text when you don't have any other semantic element available. Instead of <span>, i'd use <li> element there.

You've done a great job working with utilities. I like how how wrote your css.

Marked as helpful


Ax-cd• 310



Hi, @pradeeps4ini I'm doing just fine, I hope you too!

The overflow: hidden hadn't cross my mind! It's much more easier to implement than what I had done. I also removed the margin: 0, and changed the <span> to <li> like you suggested.

Thank you so much for the feedback!


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