Product preview card component using HTML CSS and CUBE CSS
Design comparison
Community feedback
- @siavhnzPosted over 2 years ago
One thing that I forgot to mention is that I learned to use gap instead of padding from you; your solution is creative. Thanks for that
1 - @siavhnzPosted over 2 years ago
Hello Suleman, Congrats on completing the challenge
I saw your solution on the live site, You've done good work, and I am happy for you. Completing a challenge excites me.
One thing that I saw immediately after visiting the live site was the line height of your paragraph. Maybe it's better to apply some more line height for a better look; by the way, you've done good work :)
Happy coding
1@legion40216Posted over 2 years ago@siavhnz Thanks alot bro glad you liked it... i will take look at the line height thanks for the tip... btw keep up the good work. Would love too see your up coming solutions...
Happy Coding.
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