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Product preview card, i use css grid and flex-box


Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

feel free to review my code

Community feedback



Hey there! 👋 Here are some suggestions to help improve your code:

  • Your CSS Reset is being underutilized. 😢 To fully maximize 💯 it, you will want to add more to it.

Here are some examples that you can freely use:

Josh Comeau Reset

Eric Meyer Reset

  • For improved accessibility 📈 for your content, it is best practice to use em for media-queries. Using this unit gives users the ability to scale elements up and down, relative to a set value.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to me.

Happy Coding! 🎆🎊🪅




Hi there 👋. Good job on completing the challenge ! I have some feedback for you if you want to improve your code.


  • In this challenge, you should not use the background property to set the image because this image has semantic meaning. Use the CSS background property if the image is not part of the content.
  • You could use the <del> tag to indicate the price that was before the discount. Additionally, you can use a sr-only class to describe the discount. This will help screen reader users to understand that the price was discounted.


<del><span class="sr-only">Old price: </span>$169.99</del>
  • Not all images should have alt text. The cart-icon is a decorative image, it does not add any information to the page. You should use an empty alt attribute instead of a descriptive one. You can read more about this here.
  • You should use only one <h1> tag per page**. The <h1> tag is the most important heading tag, This can confuse screen reader users and search engines. <h1 class="price">$149.99</h1> is not a heading element.

I hope you find it useful! 😄 Above all, the solution you submitted is great!

Happy coding!


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