Pricing Component with Toggle | Progressive Enhancement
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Hello everyone! 👋
I finally completed another challenge. This is my first solution in 2023. 🎉
Surprisingly, I learned a lot while building this project. I mainly learned about progressive enhancement. In this case, the content of the site can be understood with HTML only. CSS and JavaScript are only for enhancing the site.
I have a question. How to make an accessible toggle button with HTML and CSS only? It is part of the bonus challenge. Right now, I use the checkbox input to create the toggle button.
Any suggestions for improvements are welcome. Also, you can ask me any questions about the technique that I used.
If you have finished this challenge and would like me to give feedback on it, please include a link to your solution. I would be glad to help you!
Happy coding!
Community feedback
- @grace-snowPosted almost 2 years ago
A HTML-CSS only solution would be inaccessible and should not be included as a bonus. I will speak to FM about that!!
1 - @cmb347827Posted almost 2 years ago
Yes, I created the toggle functionality with my code with just CSS. I also have a JS solution , but that's disabled.
I used the
pseudoselector:body:has(#annual:checked) .year{ display:block; } body:has(#annual:checked) .month{ display:none; } body:has(#monthly:checked) .year{ display:none; } body:has(#monthly:checked) .month{ display:block; }
The year and month classes are
elements within the html body. They are positioned next to each other within each<li>
element.0 - @cmb347827Posted almost 2 years ago
Hi, about your question 'How to make an accessible toggle button with HTML and CSS only?'
I also started out with a checkbox, until someone (at freecodecamp) pointed out that is not the correct way to code a toggle that in reality isn't an on/off (one option) toggle, but two options toggle(annual/monthly). He said to use two radio buttons.
See the link below for an idea in the right direction:
0@vanzasetiaPosted almost 2 years ago@cmb347827
About my question, I mean I want to create an accessible toggle button with HTML and CSS, including the toggle functionality. I tried using radio buttons but, it did not work since the styling was not possible.
With the checkbox, I can use the general sibling combinator (
) to toggle the prices.Do you know how to create the toggle functionality with just CSS?
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