Pod request access landing page | Built with React
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Feedbacks are appreciated!
Community feedback
- @mattstuddertPosted about 4 years ago
Awesome work, as usual, Connor! The only small area I'd recommend reviewing is the dot pattern on large mobile/small tablet screen sizes. In some instances, the dots covered the email input and made it not possible to click the input.
Keep up the great work!
1@zuolizhuPosted about 4 years agoHey @mattstuddert ! Haven't see your comments for a while 😆! Thanks for the checking and appreciate your suggestion!
0@mattstuddertPosted about 4 years ago@zuolizhu yeah, I've been a lot less active than I would like lately. I've been busy planning the next stages of development for the platform, which I'm really excited to put live. Hopefully, everyone will like them!
0@zuolizhuPosted about 4 years ago@mattstuddert I'm excited too! I have seen the improving of this platform a lot this year 😎, and I can tell how much effort you put in 💪 and really appreciate it! Can't wait to see the next stage of this platform!
1@mattstuddertPosted about 4 years ago@zuolizhu thanks a lot, Connor! Hopefully, I'll be able to go full-time on it in 2021 and will be able to improve the platform at a faster rate! 🤞
Really happy you're still enjoying the platform so much. If you ever have any suggestions on improvements you'd like to see, let me know 🙂
1 - @ApplePieGiraffePosted about 4 years ago
Wow, Connor Z! 👏
Your solution's nearly indistinguishable from the design! Great job! 🤩
Like artimys mentioned, the loading animations are really nice and everything else looks good! 👍
Happy coding! 😁
1 - @artimysPosted about 4 years ago
Awesome job on this Conner 👍 Loving that page load animation. Cool way of actively checking user input and changing the error message when typing.
For the table layout, I'm not sure if there should be spacing or not but maybe a little bottom padding for the
container.Overall it's great!!
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