Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Feel free to leave feedback on my solution and let me know specifically if I am overlooking a concept in relation to the input field and the button. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Community feedback
- @MabchirPosted almost 3 years ago
Overall it looks pretty neat ! Good Job!
Areas of improvement:
- Maybe centering things in a way that you won't need to scroll on the 1440 screen to see the copyright sentence
- You can use flexbox for the group (or notify me section), you easily adjust it for smaller screens my favorite flexbox guide I use in all projects
- Social media icon border you can use the following attributes:
- border: 1px solid gray;
- border-radius: 25px;
Marked as helpful0 - @hd2coderPosted almost 3 years ago
The code is very poorly written for responsiveness tbh I'm a 14 year old being self-taught in web dev and quite frankly I feel happy when there are other young people like me in this field I would love to connect with you Secondly the over use of the media query there are a lot of CSS styles you could use to make your app way more responsive min width min height the % sign flex-box.
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