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Order summary component

kubas33β€’ 180


Desktop design screenshot for the Order summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Solution according to Mobile-first workflow

Feedback and tips are welcomed

Community feedback

Abdul Khalid πŸš€β€’ 72,700



Hello there πŸ‘‹. Congratulations on successfully completing the challenge! πŸŽ‰

  • I have other recommendations regarding your code that I believe will be of great interest to you.


  • The measurement of lvh is for only mobile devices, for desktops it don't have any effect as vh
  • Then, you can use min-height: 100vh for body instead of height: 100lvh. Setting the height: 100lvh may result in the component being cut off on smaller screens, such as mobile devices in landscape orientation
  • For example; if we set height: 100lvh then the body will have 100lvh height no matter what. Even if the content spans more than 100vh of viewport.
  • But if we set min-height: 100vh then the body will start at 100vh, if the content pushes the body beyond 100vh it will continue growing. However if you have content that takes less than 100vh it will still take 100vh in space.


I hope you find this helpful πŸ˜„ Above all, the solution you submitted is great !

Happy coding!

Marked as helpful

Basit Koraiβ€’ 350



Hello, my friend.

I'm really glad you completed the project.

Here are some suggestions to improve it:


  • Wrap your component in an <article>...</article> element.


  • Try this to prevent the card from hitting the edges of the screen
article {
width: 80%;
max-width:  23.4375rem;  // (375px) as given in the style-guide
// these values are not hard and fast rules, just an example, try to adjust the width and max-width and see what works best for your project.
  • Add these styles to the <main> instead after adding the <article>...</article> for centering the component
main {
height: 100vh;
display: grid;
place-content: center;

I hope these tips will help you improve your project

Happy Coding✌️

Marked as helpful

kubas33β€’ 180



Hi! Thanks to your suggestion, appreciate it.

But can you tell me why you suggest to wrap content with article? I am trying to understand this so I know when to use this or not. I thought it isn't necessery to wrap component into another tag if there is only one section.


Basit Koraiβ€’ 350



@kubas33 Hello, my friend. πŸ‘‹

You're right it's just a single component (one section). But think of everything as you are coding an entire website. And in such case there would be other elements in your <main>...</main> element and then you will not just leave the elements just like that, you'll have to wrap them to make the alignment or styling them easier.

  • I just believe doing so will form a habit that will be helpful in the future while creating real-world apps and websites.

  • it's just what I think not a hard and fast rule.

When to use <article> tag

  • A component (html element) which can standalone, no matter where it is in the site it explains itself, like a blog post, each card of song on Spotify, or video on Youtube, a post on Facebook , each comment or challenge here on Frontend Mentor and those all elements (articles) should be nested inside a section tag like <main> or a <section> tag.

I hope my answer have cleared your doubts 😊

Happy Coding✌️

Marked as helpful

kubas33β€’ 180




Thanks man! I really appreciate that you sacrifice your time to help me out! I will try to use more elements in my next challenges!

Do you recommend using <picture> tag as often as posible? For example when there is only one image irrelevant of screen size?

Basit Koraiβ€’ 350



@kubas33 I don't use <picture>...</picture> tag every time I see an image. Here's what I do, every time I see an image,

  1. If it's a hero image or something, I tend to use the <picture>...</picture> tag. Especially if the image is changing at different screen sizes, In that case, I opt for the <picture>...</picture> tag. My example
  2. If it's a decorative icon or the thumbnail of a blog post or video, then I would just stick to the <img> tag. As this project has a music icon in the plan selection section.

an article you should read

😊 Keep coding, Keep asking✌️

Marked as helpful


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