Nice work 👏 good output in mobile view too. Just one suggestion. For font-size try to use rem instead of px
Marked as helpful
@afrussel Thank you so much for the feedback. Really appreciate it.
I've actually been using the universal selector to declare the same font size for every element (say, 16px in this case) as given in the 'style-guide.md' sheet. Now, that all the elements have the same font size (16px), it also means 1em = 16px for every element (from what I understand). If I want a different font size, I simply changed the 'em' value in the targeted element to get the desired font size (because 1em is same everywhere now) - this was how I did the calculation.
I haven't used rem yet but I'll definitely take a look into it and give it a try. Thanks for the heads up.