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Order Sumary solution

melloper• 20


Desktop design screenshot for the Order summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

traing to get better =)

Community feedback

Juveria Dalvi• 1,375



Div with class attribution should be written in footer tag and in img use (.) period this way :

    <div class="main__cointainer" >
        <div class="main__header"> 
            <img src="./assets/images/illustration-hero.svg" alt="imagen del header">
        <div class="main__resume">
                Order Summary
                You can now listen to millions of songs, audiobooks, and podcasts on any device anywhere you like!
            <div class="main__plan">
       <img src="./assets/images/icon-music.svg" alt="icono musica">
                    <h3>Annual Plan</h3>
           <a href="#">Change</a>
            <button class="main__container--button" type="submit">Proceed to Payment</button>
            <button class="main__container--button--cancel" type="submit">Cancel Order</button>
  <div class="attribution">
    Challenge by <a href="" target="_blank">Frontend Mentor</a>. 
    Coded by <a href="#">dayan manrique</a>.

Marked as helpful

Chamu• 13,030



  • you css styles are not being implemented . Try putting a dot at the beginning of the link as in <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style/style.css">

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