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NFT Preview Card


Desktop design screenshot for the NFT preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Adarsh Rai 560



Hi Robert M Schwindler, congratulations on your new challenge!✨🎯

I took a look at your code and I have some tips for you.🙌

If you want to improve your solution a bit I've two advice for your:

Consider adding a lang attribute to the html start tag to declare the language of this document.

<html lang="en">

Semantic tags

The direct children of the body must be wrapped in semantic tags to indicate users about the various purposes of different parts of a webpage.

For example,

    ...header of the webpage...
    ...main content of the webpage...
    ...footer of the webpage...

Bad value images\image-equilibrium.jpg for attribute src on element img: Backslash () used as path segment delimiter.


<img src=`images\image-equilibrium.jpg` alt=`Equilibrium Image` class=`image`>


<img src=`images/image-equilibrium.jpg` alt=`Equilibrium Image` class=`image`>

Congratulations, since your first project, your challenges have gotten better and better.

rishat-se 140



Hello Robert!

Great Job! I am newbie too, but here is what I see:
  1. Too many divs. It is hard to check style sheet. It is the tag of last resort. Use it only if you really need it. Put h1 and p on one line if it is possible.

  2. Max size for card is 350px. It would be easier to follow solution mockup if you set max-width: 350px for .outerCard.

  3. Use img tag for svg files.

    Hope it will help. Happy coding!


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