Design comparison
Solution retrospective
I previously completed the order component summary card, and I feel I have improved on this project, especially flexbox, responsiveness, and accessibility. Any feedback is appreciated!
Community feedback
- @m-Ash1Posted about 3 years ago
Hello C Lewis, You are doing great. But the size is bigger than the design it's not a critical problem. so I just recommend this extension Pixelzoomer to extract lengths and heights from the original design and use it in your code :)
Marked as helpful1@casserole27Posted about 3 years ago@m-Ash1 Thank you, I will try the Pixelzoomer extenstion!
0 - @ViyanMdPosted about 3 years ago
Looks great, even though the size is a little bigger than it should've been. Well done! P.S. using classes instead of id's is a better practice. You can read this article:
Marked as helpful1@casserole27Posted about 3 years ago@ViyanMd Thank you! I usually use classes, but I was thinking ids were easier with these smaller projects. Thank you for the link, I will check it out.
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