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Omar 160


Desktop design screenshot for the NFT preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Travolgi 🍕 31,440



Hi Omar, I took some time to look at your solution and you did a great job!

Also I have some tips for improving your code:

  • add descriptive text in the alt attribute of the image
  • centering an element with absolute positioning is now deprecated, it uses modern css like flexbox or grid
  • try to use flexbox to the body for center the card. Read here -> best flex guide
  • after, add min-height: 100vh to body because Flexbox aligns child items to the size of the parent container
  • try to add a little transition on the element with hover effect
  • instead of using px try to use relative units of measurement -> read here

Overall you did well 😉

Hope this help and happy coding!

Marked as helpful


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