Hi Mart. Your project looks great. but It would be better if you make dismiss button work. Like when you click on it, it really disappears and take you back to the main page to fulfill input again. So people don't have to refresh your website to complete it again. Also it would be so good if you add a :active or :focus pseudoclass to your buttons to make them even better! And please set your picture to 100% when it's width is less than 375 (for mobile).
If this comment was helpful please like it as a helpful comment :) check my projects too dear Mart.
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Hi, I'm struggling to create a code for the dismiss button, could you give me a pointer on how to @Fardindevm
If you work with react I'd say first make a component and name it something like "Submit." and import it in parent component. then make a state in parent component with useState and set value of that state to false. After that in your submit handle method set that state to true when everything is ok. and at top of the jsx make a condition that if (state name you created) is true, open Submit component with state that you recently created. like " {stateName && <Submit setShowDismissComponent={setShowDismissComponent}/> } "
then style Submit component however you want. after that when you created DISMISS button make a handleButton method for onClick attribute on that button. and then set setShowDismissComponent prop to false like this: setShowDismissComponent(false) and now user can get back to the main page so easily :) @UnexplainableNo47