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News Responsive Page made with ReactJS and TailwindCSS



Desktop design screenshot for the News homepage coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi guys! I've just finished this challenge where I used React and TailwindCSS, I'd be glad of any feedback you could have. Here are some observations:

  • It's the first time I have used Tailwind for a project and I have a question, is it normal in Tailwind to repeat the classes for elements that you want to be the same style? Does that respect the DRY principle?

  • When closing the menu on the mobile version, it has a little bug that I tried to solve, but when I was fixing it end up creating other problems, so I decided to keep this solution, but if you have a better one or a different approach of the logic it uses, share, please! Here is the part of the code I think it's the problem with the Nav component

<ul className={`md:absolute z-0 p-4 md:flex md:w-5/12 md:flex-row md:justify-between ${menuOpen ? "fixed top-0 right-0 bg-white w-56 items-start px-4 h-screen flex flex-col gap-7 translate-x-0 ":"translate-x-full opacity-0 md:opacity-100"} ease-in-out duration-500 `}>

At last, no need to say that If you think that I could have done something better or cleaner please tell me, I'd appreciate :)

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