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Solution retrospective
Hello everyone, I just completed this HTML/CSS project and it was my first try creating an animated sidebar icon using pure CSS. Be sure to check it out! Feel free to ask any question if required :3
Community feedback
- @VectorJamoPosted 12 months ago
Hi there, your animated sidebar looks pristine! Just some tips for you.
i. Give a max-width for your main site wrapper div instead of giving it a width of 100%. This makes sure that your site does not look weird on big displays. (Try zooming out all the way and see what happens in both the cases!). So, as the READ ME file suggested, use max-width: 1440px for this project.
ii. Disable scroll when the user is on the navigation menu in mobile. Right now, if you scroll with the menu bar on, you can see it clip off! To fix it, you can either disable scroll on the body, OR give the mobile nav menu a position: fixed, height: 100vh and right: 0; to make sure it says at the same place.
Happy coding!
Marked as helpful2@Divnoor-4602Posted 12 months ago@VectorJamo Ill follow these and post a new solution! thank you so much
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