Multi-Step form with Zod validation | React Hook Form | Tailwind CSS
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
I happy with the overall final design. However, I’m considering using some Headless UI components next time to streamline the styling and make it more flexible. That said, just finishing this project feels like a major accomplishment on its own, and I’m happy with how it turned out!
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Managing the state of the multistep form was a challenge, but I was able to address it by implementing a form provider. I also made the decision to replace the phone input with an imported component, as I wasn’t sure how to properly handle validation using Zod without it... what do you think?
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I had some trouble implementing the footer navigation bar for mobile screens, and it still isn’t working as expected. If anyone has tips or advice on this issue (or any other part of my code, really) feel free to comment and share your feedback!
Community feedback
- @MohammedOnGitPosted 3 months ago
Hello Javier de Santiago!
Congratulations on completing the challenge. You did awesome! You nearly got a pixel-perfect solution. Your HTML structure is well-organized and demonstrates a solid understanding of semantic elements. However, here is a recommendation and comments in terms of web development best practices: Meta Tags: Add a <meta name="description" content="Description of the multi-step form"> tag to improve SEO. A clear description helps with search visibility.
Overall, your code is well-structured for a React-based application. Incorporating this suggestion can help enhance accessibility. Great job!
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