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Fully Responsive Landing Page using CSS Preprocessor SASS/SCSS



Desktop design screenshot for the Manage landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Grace 28,570




This looks fabulous but immediate problems become apparent once I look at the code...

  1. Alt descriptions must describe an image if it is valuable and that includes any text on that image. For example, the logo alt must say what the logo says. Alt is not code like a class name, it is a human readable description of what an image looks like
  2. Do not repeat nav markup twice. Have the correct markup once and change how it is displayed using css
  3. The nav toggle must be done with a button that is accessibly labelled and has an aria expanded attribute. This button must be inside the nav, directly before the list of links it is toggling
  4. The list of nav links should be in a list element
  5. Overlays should be done with pseudo elements. You should never have totally empty divs in html (expect maybe aria live regions that are due to be populated via js)
  6. Get started would navigate to another page so should be an anchor tag just like all the other nav links
  7. You must use a main elements. The sections can go inside that
  8. Not essential, but the content that is numbered 01 02 03 implies to me that should be in an ordered list
  9. Never skip heading levels. You have gone from a h2 to a h4. They must be in order
  10. Consider changing the testimonial markup to a figure with figcaption and blockquote
  11. It is a WCAG failure to auto animate the testimonials like this. It would be raised as a critical bug in any audit because users have no way to pause or stop the movement. Instead users should be able to swipe AND click/keyboard select the buttons to move between them.
  12. It is very well established that social icons are clickable links. That means you must use anchor tags that are properly labelled
  13. If using svgs inline like this, they need to be aria-hidden true and focusable false. (Label the link in a different way, not in the svg code)
  14. You are missing a nav element with list of links inside for the footer. Once you've added that you will need to label/accessibly name both navs on the page (ie label the header nav as "main" and footer nav as "footer")
  15. The email sign up is still a form even with only one input
  16. Inputs must always be labelled
  17. Not wrong, but you are using the old input type submit. This was from before the button element existed. Now you should be using the more recent element - the submit button
  18. Next time work mobile first
  19. You are heavily nesting CSS selectors, making this css highly specific and impossible to maintain or scale. Break this habit ASAP. Use single class selectors as much as possible
  20. Do not change html font size like this!! I can't stress this one enough. You are making the site inaccessible to millions by doing this. Leave the defaults alone. I'll be writing more about this on in the next couple of weeks

Marked as helpful




@grace-snow Thank you very much for your valuable feedback.

I will take care of all of these points in future and will refactor the present code according to your suggestions.


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