Loopstudios landing page using TailwindCSS & Vanilla JS
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
one my best projects ever! loved doing js here since it was my first time
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?hamburger menu, did some classlist.toggles to fix it
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?everything
Community feedback
- @Andro87Posted 3 months ago
Hi @geomydas!
You did an awesome job completing this challenge!
I just wanted to give you some feedback on some style details.
It looks like the paragraph and the 'see all' button are styled differently than the original design, so it might be worth reviewing that. Additionally, adding an aria-label to the section element could improve accessibility and make it easier for users to navigate your page.
Happy coding!
0@geomydasPosted 3 months ago@Andro87 the "see all" button is just the same as the design, i dont get what you mean. im not sure on the paragraph color whether it should be gray-400 or gray-600. i will add aria-label soon as i typically just use section tags to mark a certain section of a page, never knew it need arialabels
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