Just CSS and HTML, its too small of a project to need ro add anything
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
I already made many projects, this wasnt a challange, I dont have anything to brag about in a project this small
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Well, if you do have suggestions on how to improve, I would like to hear :)
Community feedback
- @Harsh-Kumar-DwivediPosted 9 months ago
Hi @DanijelAdrinek ,
I think you can prefer to replace
<div class="card">
element and<div class="attribution">
element. These will improve accessibility and make your markup more semantic.Hope it is helpful !
Happy Coding !
1@DanijelAdrinekPosted 9 months ago@Harsh-Kumar-Dwivedi thanks fam, on my last job, we mostly worked with Div's, my semantic HTML is slightly rusty, but I'll get it back, thanks for reminding me tho :)
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