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Intro with Dropdown , Made w/ React , Vite , CSS Variables , Flexbox..



Desktop design screenshot for the Intro section with dropdown navigation coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Intro section with dropdown menu, hamburger menu , submenus ... Take a Look at my code , any advices , corrections , tips... Any Feedback is Welcomed , as long as it is made with the intent of helping me improve on my Skills and become a better WebDev.

Community feedback

wannacode• 680



I think the spacing between items in 'Features' and 'Company' look better in mobile mode that it does in desktop mode (with little or no spacing at all).

Also, on a desktop PC, if I shrink the browser window and deploy the mobile menu, then slowly widen the browser window, things start to break. Of course, nobody uses a browser in this way, but it's just something I usually do to test these sites.

Marked as helpful




@kwngptrl I took a look into your complaints , and made a fell adjustments , take another look and tell me if i adressed your concerns.

wannacode• 680




Yes, a bit better for the dropdown menus. However, if you open browser devtools (in Chrome press F12 and then click on the icon for toggle device toolbar or ctrl+shift+m), and then select iPad Air, or anything that would have a 800px on the horizontal axis, you can see that the 'x' or close button for the menu is in the wrong place. It's underneath the sliding menu because of the position: absolute.


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