Intro component with sign up form solution with HTML, CSS, JS
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Hey ! I used this simple accessible form from @pikamart to realise this challenge. Learned a lot of JS validation checking and DOM manipulation. Tell me what you think about it !
Community feedback
- @YazdunPosted about 3 years ago
Hello and great job ! Here I have a suggestion for you :
- Try to follow DRY principles ! in matter of fact it was a little bit confusing for me to figure out your
Also I opened a pull request to your github repository which will improve your
file✅ I hope this was helpful for you
Marked as helpful1@FlorianJourdePosted about 3 years ago@Yazdun That's wonderfull, thanks a lot ! It was a bit hard for me to understand what happens exactlly in the
file you updated, but I think I catch the main idea.On side, you made me train Git, which is pretty valuable ! I managed to merge your PR. It was very instructive, hope I'll be able to collaborate again with you later !
Thanks a lot !
P.S. : Your code formatting drove me crazy !
0@YazdunPosted about 3 years ago@FlorianJourde You're welcome ! Here is a short summary of what happened in
file :There is principle which is called DRY which stands for don't repeat your self. for example you wrote :
if ( testInputs(firstName) ) { setErrors(firstName, "errorFirstName"); errorMessage.push("firstname"); } else { removeErrors(firstName); }
if ( testInputs(lastName) ) { setErrors(lastName, "errorLastName"); errorMessage.push("lastname"); } else { removeErrors(lastName); }
as you can see there is so much repetition, right? following DRY we can write a function to handle this repetition, so we can maintain our code much easier. here is my approach:
const handleErrors = (element, errorType, errorPush, errorPushArr) => { if (testInputs(element)) { setErrors(element, errorType); errorPushArr.push(errorPush); } else { removeErrors(element); } };
as you can see, It's similar to your code but this function receive repeated parts as param and handle it for us.
now this code =>
handleErrors(firstName, "errorFirstName", "firstname", errorMessage);
now is same as =>
if ( testInputs(firstName) ) { setErrors(firstName, "errorFirstName"); errorMessage.push("firstname"); } else { removeErrors(firstName); }
but don't you think DRY approach is more efficient?
I hope this makes sense for you, I tried my best to explain DRY as it's made my life much easier 🙂. if you have any other question I will be glad to help
Marked as helpful1@FlorianJourdePosted about 3 years ago@Yazdun Yes, I get the idea, but my problem is all about the syntax : I still need to train a lot in JavaScript, particulary when it's about disociated functions and parameters. As a beginner, I'm more confortable with procedural code.
Thanks for your reply, what a pleasure to see people supporting each other ! I trully don't regret to go by this professionnal sector !
1 - Try to follow DRY principles ! in matter of fact it was a little bit confusing for me to figure out your
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