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Interactive rating with SASS and vanilla JavaScript



Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

Hi Frontend Mentor community 👋

This is my solution on the interactive rating component. Overall I had a really good time giving the page some style and animation. The JS part was challenging and fun to deal with. I believe that the JS part could be smaller, perhaps using jquery, any tips regarding the script or the CSS part?

Thanks in advance for the feedback and the tips!😄

Community feedback

M 920



Hi there, there are several things you can modify to improve your code:

  • In order to avoid repeated code when selecting elements from the DOM, use JavaScript loops or combine Document.querySelectorAll and Array.forEach methods, for example:

    Instead of doing this ❌

    const btn1 = document.getElementById("1")
    const btn2 = document.getElementById("2")
    const btn3 = document.getElementById("3")
    const btn4 = document.getElementById("4")
    const btn5 = document.getElementById("5")
    btn1.addEventListener("click", () => console.log("Button 1 clicked!"))
    btn2.addEventListener("click", () => console.log("Button 2 clicked!"))
    btn3.addEventListener("click", () => console.log("Button 3 clicked!"))
    btn4.addEventListener("click", () => console.log("Button 4 clicked!"))
    btn5.addEventListener("click", () => console.log("Button 5 clicked!"))

    Do it like this ✅

    // Select all the elements in the DOM with the "clickable-button" class
    const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".clickable-button")
    buttons.forEach((button) => {
      // The following will be executed for each item of the 'buttons' array
      button.addEventListener('click', () => {
        console.log(`Button ${} clicked!`)
  • Always use className instead of id: If multiple elements share the same functionality or style, it's better to use a common class name instead of individual IDs.

  • Use more descriptive names for your variables; this will help you a lot in the future to not get lost in bigger projects and collaborative environments where code readability is key.

  • Avoid modifying CSS styles with JavaScript directly, instead assign the styles you want to a class name in your stylesheet and toggle the class using JavaScript:

    Do not change style properties with Javascript directly ❌ = 'hsl(25, 97%, 53%)' = 'white'

    Assign the styles to a class name in your stylesheet ✅

    /* Normal state */
    .rating-button {
      background-color: hsla(212, 20%, 37%, 0.26);
      color: hsl(217, 12%, 63%);
    /* Selected state */
    .rating-button--selected {
      background-color: hsl(25, 97%, 53%);
      color: #fff; /* white color in hexadecimal (avoid using color names) */

    Whenever you need to apply/remove the styles to an element you just have to add/remove the class rating-button from the element like this:

    // Add the class with the styles
    // Remove the class with the styles

Finally, here's a simplified and optimized version of your script (I left some variable names without changing so you don't get confused but remember to use more descriptive names for your variables in the future):

// Variable to track the currently selected button
let selectedRatingButton
// Select all elements in the document with the `rating-button` class
const ratingButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".rating-button")
// Add event listeners
ratingButtons.forEach(btn => {
  btn.addEventListener('click', (event) => {

  // You can also pass the function directly as argument to the addEventListener method like this:
  // btn.addEventListener('click', handleRatingButtonClick)

function handleRatingButtonClick(event) {
  const clickedButton = // Get clicked button from the event object
  if (selectedRatingButton === clickedButton) { 
    // if clicked button is the currently selected button
    return // Do nothing
  } else {
    // Remove styles from the currently selected button if defined
    clickedButton.classList.add("rating-button--selected") // Add styles to the new button
    selectedRatingButton = clickedButton // Store as currently selected button

// Submit form
const form = document.getElementById("form")
const number = document.getElementById("number")
const rating = document.getElementById("rating-state")
const thank = document.getElementById("thank-state")

form.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
  event.preventDefault() = "none" = "flex"
  if (selectedRatingButton) {
    number.innerText = selectedRatingButton.innerText
  } else {
    // No rating selected
    number.innerText = "0"

I really hope you find this information helpful. Good luck! 👍

Marked as helpful




Hi @Dev-MV6 👋 Thanks for the feedback

That is very helpful, I will be sure to begin using classnames as selectables and start using the query selector, its waay more pratical and keep the code clean. Overall I learned a lot from your code and also I will begin to use more descriptive names!

Thanks again for the help 😄


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