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Interactive rating component

Adarsh Rai 560


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

👾 Hello, Frontend Mentor coding community . This is my solution for the Interactive rating component .

Feel free to leave any feedback and help me improve my solution or make the code clean!✨❤️

I would appreciate any feedback, thank you in advance!

Community feedback



@AdarshRai0, how are you, buddy?

You've done a great job at converting the design to code.

When i select a rating, the selected rating persist after i refresh the page. If it's not how you coded it to be; then after the user has submitted the rating, you could iterate over all inputs and turn their checked property to false.

I wrote a small codepen demo that demonstrate this. Have a look and read/modify the code and i hope its helpful to you. Please feel free to reach me, if any improvement can be made to codepen or you need help understanding something.


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