Interactive Card Details Form
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Is my code understandable?
Did I use the semantic HTML tags correctly, should I add more or less?
In what areas of my code can I improve on?
All feedback is greatly appreciate. It helps me to improve as a frontend developer. Thanks!
Community feedback
- @visualdennissPosted almost 2 years ago
Hey there Karen,
your submission looks great and seem to be functioning without any bugs. (At least i couldn't find any.) Your JS logic is very clear and understandable. However it looks a bit repetitive to me, so perhaps some of the duplication parts could be even written more concisely by using a helper function that takes all those message numbers and instructions and what to do with it in the params. But that's just a matter of preference. Such abstractions comes are a cost of being harder to read sometimes despite being concise, while your explicit way, despite longer, could be clearer to understand. I just wanted to give some food for thought :)
Hope you find this feedback helpful!
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