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Huddle responsive landing page with HTML and CSS

Ax-cd 310


Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi! I have accessibility issues with this solution when using links and icons since there is no text to tell the purpose of the link and the <i> doesn't accept alt text like an <img>... does anybody else faced this problem? Thank you :)

Community feedback

Vanza Setia 27,795



Hello there! 👋

Congratulations on finishing this challenge! 👏

Regarding the accessibility issues, you can add aria-label attribute to each anchor tag to give some text about the link. For example, if it is a Facebook icon then the value for the aria-label would be aria-label="Facebook".

I have one question, each issue has the "Learn More" link. So, have you visited the site? Right there, you can get more information about the issue and how to solve the issue. 😉

I have a few suggestions for this solution.

  • I would recommend making the visible h2 as the h1 and then removing the visually hidden h1. I think the current h2 can be a great h1. Also, I assume that it is the first part of the landing page.
  • I would not recommend hiding the attribution. The users who don't use screenreaders would have no idea that there are links to the Frontend Mentor challenge page and your profile.

I hope this helps! Happy coding! 😁

Marked as helpful


Ax-cd 310



@vanzasetia Hello! Thank you!

I actually visited the site! I truly don't know how I could miss the information; but thank you for redirecting me to it!

I took into consideration your suggestions when I updated my solution, so thank you again for the feedback! :D

Vanza Setia 27,795



@Ax-cd I took a look at the updated source code and everything looked great to me! Good job on improving the solution! 👍

Keep it up! 😉

Ax-cd 310



@vanzasetia Thank you! :D


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