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Calculator app - Both Keyboard & Mouse click events included.

Sunny78inator• 60


Desktop design screenshot for the Calculator app coding challenge

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Solution retrospective

I have only implemented 2 themes though, sorry for that. I wasn't aware of traditional grid system so I had to use bootstrap grid system in order to layout the calc buttons. Anyways, please do check how I made the transition from Light <-> Dark (from calc.js line: 215) and suggest me if there's a rather easier or concise way to implement the same.

PS: I'm still in the learning stage, will be learning ReactJS soon.

Community feedback

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I'm pretty sure there's a lot of ways of implementing the theme switching, and your way works very well.

The calculator is perfectly functional, and adding keyboard inputs is a plus. I just have a few suggestions;

How about you give the same functionality to the enter key as the equals button, 'cause the backspace works, but the enter key doesn't, it just returns the last number you clicked on.


Sunny78inator• 60



@thulanigamtee omg the enter key isn't working? It should! I mean, maybe it was bugged for a moment and thanks for bringing it into light, I'll look into it. But I did log the enter event too. :sweat_smile:

"The calculator is perfectly functional, and adding keyboard inputs is a plus."


Praneet Dixit• 120




Your theme switching implementation looks quite good.

Another way of theme switching is using custom properties and toggling a single class to change the properties.

Here is an example -


  --text-color: #000;
  --background-color: #fff;

  --text-color: #fff;
  --background-color: #000;

  color: var(--text-color);
  background-color : var(---background-color);
themeSwitchContainer.onclick = function() {

You can play around with this to include more themes.

Your calculator is pretty functional.

+1 for keyboard inputs.


Sunny78inator• 60



@PraneetDixit Hey, thank you for your insightful feedback and the suggestion. I'll definitely try out your way. Peace! :D

Patrick• 14,285



I like your icons in your theme slider

I can enter 6+6 on the keyboard but when I hit the enter key on the keyboard it just shows 6 the enter key on the numpad then shows 0


Sunny78inator• 60



@palgramming Yeah, unfortunately my code is running into bugs 2/10 times. And I wasn't able to decode this one particular bug yet. I'm still looking into it. Thank you! :D

"I like your icons in your theme slider" haha wow ok. I wasn't sure about this one particular implementation but now I am. ty


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